The mission of the SMCF is to enhance and improve the quality of life for people living in the South Denver Metro area of Colorado.
• Promoting inclusion
• Building self-reliance among individuals and community nonprofits
• Being an agent for positive change
For the first two years of its existence, the South Metro Community Foundation focused on raising funds to help establish the Tri-Cities Homeless Navigation Center to serve unhoused people in Littleton, Englewood and Sheridan.
SMCF had raised $430,000 when the leaders of the tri-cities sent out a request for proposals for a nonprofit to run the Navigation Center. Ultimately, they selected Bridge House in Englewood to house and run the center.
The SMCF has thus turned its focus to the foster care system, which serves as one source of homelessness, as 38% of youth who age out of the foster care system at age 18 become almost immediately homeless.
SMCF has raised approximately $75,000 to hire navigators for at least the last year before youth age out of the system. The navigators will help the young people file for housing vouchers, which is complicated and difficult, and guide them to needed services, including education and job training.
SMCF is working to better the lives of vulnerable foster care youth because – without navigators — their outcomes are horrific. In addition to homelessness, the youth fail to graduate high school, become trafficked, get into drug and alcohol abuse and encounter the criminal justice system. Very sadly, their suicide rate is 10 times that of their peers. SMCF believes that these vulnerable youth can achieve life-long success with the help of life-skills navigators.
Donations to SMCF can be dedicated to general operating expenses or to funding navigators for foster care youth.
You can make a donation by check to SMCF at PO Box 401, Littleton, CO 80160, or online at www.smcfinfo.org.
Read our latest press release: South Metro Community Foundation Announces $50,000 Grant From the Centura Health Equity & Advancement Fund

The role of the Foundation includes
Accepting and investing charitable (donor-advised) funds as a permanent endowment to address emerging and changing needs in the community.
Accepting donations and initiating projects and programs that will enhance the quality of life for people in the area.
Providing grants for projects to local nonprofits that share the SMCF’s goals.
Serving as a fiscal agent for community organizations that do not have nonprofit status, but that support one or more of the goals as defined above.
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